so day one was spent without internet and without a clue. i found a classmate on one of my flights and went to customs with her in montreal where she was promptly escorted to the immigration offices. yikes. so i was on my own. again. still without a clue. thank god the taxi sign had a picture of a taxi

i was surprised to find how much french montreal speaks. there is VERY little english. my cab driver spoke no english and almost took me in the complete opposite direction. awesome. 

the room im in is a little small but it has a bed so im happy. the building used to be a chocolate factory so it smells like chocolate all the time and they give out free chocol...... ok thats a lie. it doesnt smell like chocolate either. but it was a chocolate factory once. 

i havent explored many of the restaurants but my first bite was a hot dog with mustard, sauerkraut, onions, and ....LOTS of french fries. yes, ON the hot dog. 

im trying not to make this too long but today we went to our studio space and were assigned to get lost in downtown montreal. we did. very quickly. but we decided to follow a street and after maybe 3 miles, found out we were close to our apartment. success.

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