ive been running around montreal doing just about everything so i havent had too much time to sit down and upload to the site. 


we're doing some exercises to help get us interested in something peculiar we find in montreal. its a good start but im really ready to start the project. 

we leave for new york in a week. daniel and josh (professors) listed off around thirty places we need to go within the five day trip. simply put, its going to be awesome. 

went to the notre dame basilica today. got some amazing pictures that ill share on here. the organ was playing, there werent too many people, the lighting was just right, it was just a good time there. oh and it was the place celine dion was married............ yeah i dont care either but i guess its cool.
6/1/2011 12:52:19 am

Photos of Notre Dame Basilica were awesome. Those are going to have to be framed some day. Those are keepers for sure.


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