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so i didnt get around to posting anything while on the nyc trip, sorry...

but it was amazing. i went in 2008 but this time was much better. we got out around 8.30 every morning and didnt get back until after midnight most of the days. it's a lot but i didnt complain, everything we did was well worth the sore feet. 

we took the amtrak from montreal to nyc, then took the subway directly to times square, luggage and all. we were underground for the whole trip until we walked out right into times square. such an awesome view and experience to start the trip. we stayed in queens at an....... affordable....... hotel and made our way to manhattan everyday where we did all of our travelling. 

best part of the trip? we went to The High Line project by DS+R around sunset. the most amazing experience of the trip. i was taking pictures like a madman at first, then started sketching, then had to put both of those away and just sit there. all the people, the lights around me, the skyline, the underlying roar of the city, all made it such a great place to be. 

second best was our visit to the Morphosis firm. we received a very good informal presentation of some of their work, saw some competitions they were currently working on, got to ask questions, and could have possibly recruited on of the architects to come critique our studio in a month. 

ill probably have another pst talking about ny more.. 

but im tired right now